While looking for solutions to provide the best service quality or products it is worth to pay attention on the cleanliness. Clean entrances and passageways means production site clean and better quality of produced goods.By raising the quality of the work environment, we reduce for example risk of accidents connected with slipping on the floor. Using our cleaning system for forklift wheels optimalized for requests and existing technical conditions will reduce cleaning costs by up to 40%. Shape and brushes layout developed by us removes the dirt from wheels surface.
The original method of attachment makes the brushes stable and they do not hide in the grate and effectively provide the cleaning function. Additional advantage is possibility to install the system on the existing flooring with the addition of ramps, without necessity of interfering into the surface. To sum up, providing a solution to reduce dirt will increase the safeness, reducing the risk of accidents as a result of slipping on a dirty or wet entry surface and will reduce the costs associated with maintaining cleanliness.